When you were crying louder than anything then you were back playing as nothing happened!
As it seems you were applying “feel it to heal it” rule! But you had no idea what does that mean at that time!
Do you remember when you fell asleep at wherever you feel without worries!
As it seems you knew tomorrow is another day and it's coming with more joy and pleasant.
Do you remember when you got mad at your friends because of silly things but next day you were sharing your meal with them at school!
As it seems you knew everyone do mistakes and true love means acceptance and forgiveness.
What happened to that kid? I think he/she grew up and lost his/her smile somewhere between stress and worries!
Stress because of trying to force the flower to bloom before its time!
Worries because of focusing on the future and losing the present!
We are a set of emotions and we have to express and feel them all without hesitation to grow and understand life more!
We get old not because of age, we get old because we stop playing, being ourselves and enjoying the moment!
We teach kids how to do things but they teach us how to live!
Something to think about!