Published: October 10, 2017.

We have a huge potential power “ignored” somewhere within ourselves!
Since we were kids, most of us have been taught this:
“Study hard to get your dream job!”
Therefore, we study just to get this “dream job”!
This mindset defiantly limited our options in life and lowers our standards and we end up doing what most people do!
Well, what is our “dream job", it is the job that we will spend our young years on?!
Taking in the consideration, these years we cannot get back, in case that dream job turned out to be a nightmare!.
We are given this life to live it only “once”! Therefore it is not realistic to live it with fears or with limited standards!
Spending times with successful people gives the courage to discover our real potential.
We will realize we have options as they do, the only difference is that they are open to try new things and they do not settle for less than what they are capable to do!
They do not look for jobs! Instead, They look to see what more they can do!
They are not reasonable "most of the time". That is why they see things in different ways!
Finding the balance between having a job and living the life we want is something to think about!
Sure, there are great work environments that give their employees the chance to enjoy their life while working, but these environments are rare.
Starting our own entrepreneurship will give us the chance to enjoy our life in a special way. It gives us
the freedom to live our life in the way we design. Following our passion leads to our purpose.
Working hard for something we don’t care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.
Failure is part of the journey for sure and it is there to shape our skills as we know:
" straight roads do not make skillful drivers" But..
“We can never cross the ocean unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore”.
Ask your heart, he always has the right answer. What do you think?!
